
enum libdnf::sack::QueryCmp

Match operators used in filter methods of the Query objects.


enumerator NOT

Negation modifier. Must be used with a match.

enumerator ICASE

Case-insensitive modifier. Must be used with a match.

enumerator ISNULL

Value is NULL/None.

enumerator EQ

Equal. The same as EXACT. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator NEQ

Not equal. The same as NOT_EXACT. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator GT

Greater than. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator GTE

Greater than or equal to. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator LT

Less than. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator LTE

Less than or equal to. Applicable to numbers.

enumerator EXACT

Case-sensitive exact match. The same as EQ. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_EXACT

Negative case-sensitive exact match. The same as NEQ. Applicable to strings.

enumerator IEXACT

Case-insensitive exact match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_IEXACT

Negative case-insensitive exact match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator CONTAINS

Case-sensitive containment match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_CONTAINS

Negative case-sensitive containment match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator ICONTAINS

Case-insensitive containment match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_ICONTAINS

Negative case-insensitive containment match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator STARTSWITH

Case-sensitive starts-with match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator ISTARTSWITH

Case-insensitive starts-with match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator ENDSWITH

Case-sensitive ends-with match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator IENDSWITH

Case-insensitive ends-with match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator REGEX

Case-sensitive regular expression match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator IREGEX

Case-insensitive regular expression match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator GLOB

Case-sensitive glob match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_GLOB

Negative case-sensitive glob match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator IGLOB

Case-insensitive glob match. Applicable to strings.

enumerator NOT_IGLOB

Negative case-insensitive glob match. Applicable to strings.